Did you know that when your kid gets a tummy ache and you blame it on food, your child learns (just like you did as a child) to accept that they are vulnerable to worldly effects?
You may be thinking that it would be irresponsible not to inform your kid what caused them to get a tummy ache because that’s how they learn to choose foods that are healthier for their bodies. But get this, just because you think the food caused the tummy ache doesn’t make it so.
In fact, just having the perception of a tummy ache indicates an unhealthy mind. The body cannot be healthy or unhealthy because it is a benign projection of the mind that dreams it.
Any world where it seems like there is a choice between different foods is a dream world manufactured in your mind and projected onto consciousness. While it’s utterly impossible for one dream figure (food) to have an effect on another dream figure (body), that you can make believe that food affects bodies and experience the effects of that belief is self-evident.
Real - Healthy Choices
Whilst the writer would agree that it’s good to know what causes your child to get a tummy ache so that you can help them make healthier choices, first you need to know what they are really capable of choosing. That your child (or anyone else) can make a choice about what food they eat is only an illusion of choice.
But there is one choice that everyone can and will learn to choose from within both waking and nighttime dreams that not only protects them from getting tummy aches but which will eventually awaken them from dreaming altogether.
Only in dreams are tummy aches possible. In reality, tummy aches and all other aches and pains are impossible. In fact, all dreaming is caused by the sense of being vulnerable to death, which is the effect of a mind that mistakenly took itself to be guilty of separating itself from reality.
That’s why all dreaming, including nighttime dreams, leads to death unless the dreamer wakes up before death occurs.
If you want to help your child wake up from their dream of death, you will choose to deny that dream effects, like food can affect other dream effects, like their body. But if you wish to help your child continue progressing toward death, you will choose to hold worldly cause and effect as if it’s a reality.
There is no right or wrong choice, but the choice between life and death is the only choice you can and do make from moment to moment.
In time, you will choose life. Perhaps that time is now.