Hope's Social Media Digest July 14 through July 30th

Hope Johnson Hope Johnson
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Jump to Section: Consciousness | Manifesting | Judgment | Ego | Illusions | Self Doubt | Responsibility | Relating | Guilt | Parenting


The above diagram goes with this video: Consciousness and the Manifestation Trap


Getting what you want is soooo overrated since you cannot possibly know what you really want.

Knowing that you really want whatever you get, and knowing how to use it for healing the cause of your dis-ease....That’s something to sing about.


If it's more money that you want, it's really poverty that you are seeking. You cannot want more money without projecting a feeling as if something is lacking.

Trying to change your feeling in order to get more money will NEVER work. That striving still comes from a place of lack. You cannot fool your mind like that. Any appearance of abundance attained this way will surely become its opposite.

Once you get disillusioned by false abundance enough times, you will give up the quest for worldly treasures to accept the treasure that is not subject to conditions of any kind.


You cannot perceive yourself or anyone else as anxious, confused, angry, panicked, suspicious or sick unless you are making yourself guilty.

Do not ask for relief from the results of guilt unless you want to make more results. Instead ask what’s causing you to make yourself guilty.

When you find out, you will naturally change your mind and the results will follow.


Judgment is impossible for any of us. If you perceive judgment, whether in yourself or in others, it's only your perception that needs correcting.

Pointing out perceived judgments as if they are in need of correcting makes judgment into a reality for you, which is a setup for perceiving more judgments.


You are not capable of judgment because you are not the ego.

If I perceived judgment in you and tried to correct it, that's only because I saw it in myself first, and forgot to laugh. That was my mistake.

If you are looking to engage as if you are capable of judgment, you have my blessing, but not my participation.


No one has an ego. In fact, ego doesn't really exist. Ego is a fearful thought program that we set up in the mind to bait us into conflict.

Why did we set up the ego? To keep us distracted so that we don't find out that the world we are perceiving is only held together by guilt and fear of punishment.

There is no need to provoke the ego or try to change its way of thinking. Ego is not capable of change.

In time, ego will be made obsolete, not through force or fighting, but through gentle recognition that we can allow conflict to pass us by and choose peace instead.


Ego is not in the manifestation. The manifestation is innocent.

Ego is the sinister guide in your mind that leads you to make parts of the manifestation out to lack innocence.

You can have a peaceful and true interpretation instead.

You can choose to overlook the ego’s guidance and be led by the one who can vouch for your innocence and who knows the way back to sanity.


The Divine only knows itself. It doesn’t know your perceived limitations or visions of debauchery.

You are Divine. When you make your perceptions true, you temporarily lose touch with yourself.


You are nowhere to be found in this world. You are completely apart from it.

This world is projected from your mind and nothing that happens here affects you.

It’s you who affect this world by the way you choose to regard yourself in relation to it.

You can choose to welcome all of your apparent fear, anxiety, anger and sadness as opportunities to bring your light to the darkness; or you can use the darkness to blot out your light.

If you choose to blot our your light, no worries! Well, it will actually multiply your worries, but that’s okay.

That mental condition can’t last forever because the light is within you, always informing you who you are and what this world is really for.


This world is superimposed between our awareness and our mind's true reality.

Undoing the projected story of self that causes the worldly veil is our only real responsibility.


Being is having it all.

Because you took a mistaken thought about yourself seriously, you wanted to make yourself unaware of being, and so you made yourself believe that getting means having more and giving means having less.

But because of who you are, giving actually increases what you have and getting is totally meaningless.

Are you interested in becoming aware of being again? Then notice what makes you aware of being an object, and deny truth to that.


The most ungrounding thought is the one about the illusory world being real.

It makes you project images of unfairness, destruction, anger and pain and then resist against those things as if they didn’t just come from you.


The illusory world is held together by resistance, which leads people to seek and find something to resist.

Let them have their resistance. It’s not going to involve you unless you are also seeking for something to resist.


You are NOT of the Earth. You are NOT made of matter, but thinking you are makes it so, and that puts you at odds with other material objects.


What's called life on Earth is based on fear of death. The whole experience is predicated on a desire for death to escape the hidden guilt of having separated from reality.

Everyone has this mental disease, although some are better at covering it up than others. The trouble is that no one really dies, and an apparent death doesn't release anyone from the pain of guilt.

The solution for our common dis-ease is in healing the hidden self-belief, which can only occur through our relationships, by demonstrating innocence where projecting guilt seems to be the only option.


Every illusion really does benefit you because you are aware of it, and either you know how to listen to guidance on how to use it for healing the insanity in your mind, or you are learning how to do that.


A sick mind causes people to drink, drug, or otherwise consume excessively so that guilt can be demonstrated by making the body and mind out to be sick from the effects of excessive consumption.

But the real cause of both illusions of excessive consumption and illusions of physical symptoms is only the innocent mind making itself sick by taking guilty thoughts as if they are true.

Compassion is the key to healing the illusion of overconsumption (whether for yourself or for others in your perception), not making the illusion of excessive consumption true and focusing on that as if it's not an effect of an underlying problem in your own mind.

Because the only problem is guilty self-belief, healing what makes illusions of problems occurs through willingness to protect the innocent body and mind from being attacked mentally by your guilty self projections.

Self Doubt:

It’s common to doubt yourself when you find yourself not being able to follow the spiritual teachings you've been sharing with others.

But that self-doubt is not really justified because what you perceive of yourself is just some errant thought process coming to the surface.

What you seem to have taught in the past isn’t really in the past. It’s being offered to you right now.

You will be able to follow that spiritual guidance when you’re willing to recognize that you’re not really the one faltering.

Worry comes from believing you are unworthy of peace.

It’s got nothing to do with what seems to be happening. Nothing happens.


Unwillingness to admit responsibility for all that you perceive makes you into a victim of your own perceptions, which are not just occurring to you randomly.

Your perceptions are orchestrated mentally by you to demonstrate the effects of believing that you are separate from love.

Perceiving fearful people and situations is not meant as a punishment. It's meant as an opportunity to dismantle the defenses to love that you have constructed out of guilt and fear of punishment.

How do you dismantle your defensiveness to being who you are? Admit responsibility for all that you perceive, instead of trusting in worldly evidence that "proves" things happen to you randomly, without your authority.

If it’s capable of being threatened, it was never really sacred.

It was only propped up as something sacred for the purpose of seducing the innocent into worshipping at the alter of fear.

The whole world becomes sacred when it's used for restoring the mind's true reality.

The whole world becomes sacrilege when any part is separated out and deemed sacred or sacrilege on its own, because that holds you out as something that can be threatened while giving power to things that seem to threaten you.

The world is innocent and neutral. You decide whether it’s used for self-exaltation or self desecration.


No one is capable of doing anything in your perception without your authority. Find out what motivates you to make them out as if they are acting against you, and be free.


When someone seems to be reacting to you in fear, it’s not time to teach them a spiritual concept. It’s time to take care of that fearful feeling that’s arising in you and projecting outward as if something is lacking.

That’s how we heal together. It’s not by getting people to validate our concepts. In fact, all concepts are meaningless in light of what’s true, and so the truth cannot be shared conceptually.

Truth is only shared by extension from the mind that’s willing to abandon concepts in favor of communion.


All you need is love, but not the kind of love that turns to fear when your seeming needs to go unmet.


When you seem to be doing battle, are you grateful to the ones you seem to be battling against for innocently playing their roles, thus making it possible for you to play yours?

Or are you making yourself out to be righteous and them out to be acting without your authority?

One way of doing battle cures the insanity and the other multiplies it.


If people seem to accuse you of being out of integrity, that's not without your authority. It's like you asked them and they agreed to set you up like that so you could bring that dark idea about yourself to the light of your awareness.

Don't analyze yourself to see if you agree with the accusation unless you want that dark idea to keep on making painful illusions for you. The proper response to any perceived accusation is only gratitude.


Because the only problem is guilty self-belief, healing what makes illusions of problems occurs through willingness to protect the innocent body and mind from being attacked mentally by your guilty self projections.


Correction of Errors

When it seems as if your kid made an error, and you’re willing to see that the only error is only in your perception, your perception gets corrected.

But if you make your kid’s error real and then try to correct it, the error in your perception gets protected, thus setting up your kid to make more errors in your perception.

All of your kid’s apparent errors get corrected naturally, as a result of you taking care of the upset feelings that cause you to perceive your kid darkly.

There’s no need to control whether you apparently help your kid do things better. This is not about action.

This is about watching your mind. Are you trusting in the appearance that your kid is acting on their own, or are you willing to be responsible for your perception of them?

Your kid will learn what they need to learn faster and easier without you making your perception of their errors real.

So it’s perfectly safe to bring worries, fears and other upset feelings to your inner teacher in order to learn your lessons, instead of avoiding your lessons by making yourself responsible for your kid’s learning process.


Conventional thinking would have us continue projecting illusions of bad people who pose threats to our children rather than support us in finding out how to protect our children by eliminating what causes illusions of bad people and threatening behavior in the first place.


Before they took on an apparent birth, your kids learned that they were guilty for having separated themselves from reality.
Their mortal body and its world are the effects of that self-taught lesson.

You can help them and yourself return your awareness to reality through your willingness to protect your shared innocence even when projecting guilt seems to be the only option.


Fear of death is what causes you to become impatient.

It's not that your child needs to hurry up or otherwise change their behavior.

You can choose to allow compassion for that fearful feeling instead of projecting it as if the problem is with your child.

If you feel disrespected by your kid or anyone else, it’s a sign that you’re presently disrespecting yourself and you don’t want to see it.

In fact, you want to project it so that you can prevent yourself from seeing it.

If you are just a little bit willing to observe this mechanism, it will be revealed and healed.


Your kids cannot really break anything or mess things up. It’s only your mind making that illusion.

You choose whether or not to make the illusion true. One is a choice for guilt and the other for innocence.

When you demonstrate that your child isn’t capable of breaking anything or messing things up, not only do they get to learn about what’s true from you, but your own perception gets a healing, thus shortening time and bringing Heaven closer to your awareness.

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